Four Laws Of Behavior Change

    The Four Laws Of Behavior Change 

Published On: 26/12/2021

Hey there, What's up everybody, I am happy to see you all again, in this blog, I have discussed all about the 4 laws of Behavior change which were already discussed in the great book, Atomic Habits written by James Clear, I really loved it, I will cover these 4 laws in the upcoming blogs, so that you can learn these 4 laws bit by bit, Now Let's dive into the topic of today! 

The Four Laws of Behavior Change according to James Clear are as follows: #1: Make it obvious, #2: Make it attractive, #3: Make it easy, finally #4: Make it satisfying, these are the 4 laws to make a good habit. You can even employ these laws to break your bad habits by following these laws in reverse, you can break your bad habits by #1: Making them invisible, #2: Making them unattractive,#3: Making them difficult, #4: Making them unsatisfying. 

I hope you have learned something new today, thank you so much for reading this blog, I will share the link to the book, Atomic Habits in the comment section below so that you buy this book, know more about these 4 laws,  once again thank you so much for reading, See you all Next Time, Until Then, Bye👋👋


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  1. Link to buy Atomic Habits on Amazon:

    1. Here is a link where you can buy Atomic Habits on Amazon...


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