The 2 Minute Rule


Hey there, what's up everybody, In this episode, I have discussed all the 2-minute rules to create a ritual for your habits, if you wish to know more about habits, follow me to receive more articles on habits, Now Let's  Get Started!

According to the two-minute rule, a habit must be completed within 2 minutes, this rule really helps you if you are a procrastinator, this rule helps you convert major goals into smaller steps. Let's understand the 2-minute rule with an example. Let's say you want to run a marathon, it's very very difficult for the first time, right? but you can break down this major task with the help of the two-minute rule when it comes to running a marathon, the first step is wearing your shoes, I believe tying your shoelace takes at least 2 minutes, it's not only about breaking down the task but also reinforcing your identity, it's totally better than not doing anything, the 2-minute rule helps you make the beginning of the process easier, I haven't tried 2-minute rule yet, probably I would try it after I have published this blog, I hope the 2-minute rule will help you achieve your goals. Your challenge for today is to pick a habit you wish to do, and stop it when your 2 minutes end, your desired habits could be like this:


I hope this blog has helped you a lot, If you like to receive more articles based on habits, then follow me, and get instant notifications, that's all for today, See you next time, Bye ✋✋ 

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