Men becoming weak..

 Hello dear reader,

If you are reading this blog, I encourage you to check social media sites before reading this. I could find a few pretty girls on social media sites who intentionally are trying to make men weak. I am not saying about all women. I encourage the rise of feminism and freedom of women in the current day situation. But that's not the problem. The problem is that men are getting weaker, and their masculinity is considered toxic. A man isn't allowed to be a man these days. I actually wonder if there are any hormonal changes in a man acting as if he is a girl. Modernity is making them weak. A man is born to suffer, not to avoid pain. But what's happening these days is actually the opposite. Men tend to avoid pain and suffering. But in those days men were hardworking and trying to educate and take their generations to the next level. But today men are actually aren't as masculine as their forefathers were. The only solution for this problem is for men must try to be responsible, additionally follow basic life habits like exercising, avoiding social media for a while, and taking a break from their phones. In addition, men must try to make their lives from pleasure-driven to pain-driven. Finally, I would like to end this blog with a quote:

I don't believe that this blog won't create any change in your life. If not, please share your views, and I will be ready to respond. Thank you to those pretty girls, who keep on discouraging men from remaining weak, but I know the phone you're using is created by a man (Martin Cooper). The app, TikTok which you're using to discourage men was founded by a man (Zhang Yiming). Men have contributed a lot to this society. Their sweat, suffering, and efforts all to build the society. Please think before you speak. Words once spoken can't be forgotten. 

Based on the provided search results, it appears that some pretty girls may be interested in making men remain weak due to various reasons. Here are some possible explanations:

 Testing confidence: Some pretty women may test a man's confidence by being difficult or unresponsive during the initial interactions, not because they are not interested, but to gauge his confidence and interest. If the man remains confident and charming, she may be more likely to open up and show interest.
 Intimidation: A good-looking woman may intimidate some men, making them feel less confident or less worthy of her attention. This can lead to men trying to prove themselves or become more confident, which may not always be successful.
 Lack of emotional masculinity: Some men may struggle with emotional masculinity, which can make them appear weak or less attractive to women. Pretty women may be attracted to men who display emotional masculinity, such as confidence, charm, and the ability to make them laugh.
 Misguided optimism: Some men with less chiselled features may have misguided optimism about their own appearance, leading them to believe that women are interested in them when they are not. This can be due to a lack of self-awareness or a tendency to overestimate their own attractiveness.
 Societal expectations**: Society often places pressure on women to rely on their looks, which can lead to them being perceived as "dumb" or "weak" if they don't conform to these expectations. This can make it difficult for women to find men who respect and appreciate them for who they are, rather than just their physical appearance.

It's essential to note that these are general observations and not all pretty girls or men fit into these categories. Every individual is unique, and attraction is complex and multifaceted.


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